Muscovy Duck Hatching 2008 Part 2
Like 1 Dislike 0 Published on 1 Mar 2009
This is the story my Muscovy female started laying and these are a seasonal breeding bird they are great ducks for incubating which we will come to in later parts a normal clutch of eggs for a Muscovy I have found is about 20. I was removing the eggs to start with and and took ten eggs then I just thought I would leave her to do her thing. She laid a further 13 eggs (one which turn out to be in furtile). I thought I Would cash in on the free incubation and get some extra Khaiki Campbells seven to be exact to give to a friend who had lost her duck a few months earlier. i spent a little time every day checking them candling them to check the progress.and you can see from this video you many notice my fatal mistake i had made by not the lesson i had remember the previous year with incubation rates the Khaki Campbells being from the mallard family have a 28 day incubation period where as the Muscovy with its harder shell requires between 33 and 35 days so as you can see the Khakis have hatched and its been a couple of days since her last egg hatched of the Khaki bunch so she left her own eggs and did not return within her usaul 5 to 10 minutes. So I am sitting with 13 Muscovy eggs about 80 % developed and no form of incubator. so although it is a nice video to look at there is a lot of trouble. Time to think fast I dont have much time before they get too cold and die from the drop in temperature ..........