What is the Process used to determine the Key Disaster Scenario?
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The key disaster scenario forms the basis for the development and implementation of the BC plan and recovery procedures. The key disaster scenario is derived based on the list of threats identified; which the BCM Steering Committee deems the organization is vulnerable to (or likely to occur), and that, if nothing is done, will cause significant (potential) losses and subsequently, result in huge costs to recover the business. Generally, the key disaster scenario should enable the organization to develop its BC plan that will address multiple threats.
The key disaster scenario is used to determine the impact to the business, and the priority with which critical business and support functions will be recovered. The recovery time lines, resources and vital records must ensure the recovery of these functions, and shall be consistent with the key disaster scenario. Test and exercise scenarios should also be realistic. The scenarios developed should be consistent with the key disaster scenario.
Check out http://www.bcm-institute.org for the latest Education and Certification and http://www.bcmpedia.org for more explanation on Business Continuity Management, BCM auditing, IT Disaster Recovery Planning and Crisis Management.