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I need you to trust me; together we are one.

Dislike 0 Published on 12 Mar 2010

I was doing some ground work with Teddy today and I decided to film it and show everyone.
It could be educational in some ways, maybe you could learn something from this?

"I need you to trust me.
I will never hit or hurt you.
I can prove to you I'm a good leader.
I will be your bestfriend.
You can always rely on me.
Together we work as a team.
Together we will achieve greatness.
Together we are one."

I haven't copied and pasted that from anything, I wrote it myself. It's actually similar to what runs through my head as I work with Teddy.

I want him to have a choice.
"I would appreciate it if you could just move over there please."
"Move over there or I shall force you to, I am the boss and you shall do as you're told."

If he doesn't want to do what I ask him to, then I'm asking too much. I can trust his judgement as well as my own. If the task is easy/simple and he doesn't want to comply, then I must be at fault.

So there you go, I just randomly wrote some of my views on horse training. I'm not a follower of Parelli or Monty Roberts, or any other natural horsemanship group (although I admire them all). This is how I train, it isn't Parelli, it isn't any other natural horsemanship training program, it's my way- it's what works for me.
Mind you, this is just desensitizing. I could write a one million word essay on my views of horse training.

I bought and broke Teddy as a 4 year old when I was 14, now I'm 16 and Teddy's 6. He's a 17hh stock horse x quarter horse x arabian.