Pigs on Pasture May 2016
Like 3 Dislike 0 Published on 21 Jun 2016
Rotating our six heritage hogs to a new pasture paddock. It helps them get exercise, stay happy, and lets them do what they love most, to forage and root. We move two sections of electric netting around their central pen after it is rooted up. By the time we have gone in a rotation (about 4 weeks), they are back on the original paddock and it has regrown. They are all crosses of Red Wattle: Large black x Red Wattle, Gloucester Old Spot x Red Wattle, and Yorkshire x Red Wattle.
Music: "The Crosses of Annagh" by Slainte, used under Creative Commons. http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Slinte/Cup_of_Tea/