Available Here: Exercise Micro Pigs


Dislike 0 Published on 20 Feb 2009

Rolling with your MuscleRoll is one of the best, most effective, and most pleasurable ways to give yourself a soothing deep muscle massage. The patent pending 18-rib technology on your MuscleRoll allows you to have many points of contact on the muscle tissue and on the trigger points, which ultimately reduces pain and discomfort. Your MuscleRoll is made of a baby-soft material that exhibits a smooth surface and offers excellent flexibility and resilience. It is buoyant, strong, shock absorbent, flexible, and it is resistant to mildew, mold, rot, and bacteria; it also has a superior chemical resistance. Your MuscleRoll outperforms and outlives other foam rollers, and its unique rib technology, compared to other foam rollers, delivers a superior experience every time. The process involved when using your MuscleRoll is called Self Myofascial Release (SMR), which is a technique used to release tension and realign the body. (The word "myofascial" is derived from the Latin words myo, meaning "muscle," and fascia, meaning "band.") Fascia is tough connective tissue that spreads throughout the body in a three-dimensional web, from the head to the toes. Fascia surrounds every muscle, bone, nerve, and organ in the body. In its normal healthy state, the fascia is relaxed and able to move without restriction. When the human body engages in any type of activity, whether it's daily walking, standing, light exercise, or strenuous exercise, we generate slight micro-tears in our muscle tissue, tendons, and ligaments. Likewise, when we experience physical trauma, scarring, or inflammation, the fascia loses its flexibility; it becomes a tight, restricted source of tension to the rest of the body, and over time it has cumulative negative effects. Changes in the fascial system influence the body's comfort and functionality. The fascia can exert excessive pressure, producing pain or restriction of motion. As a result, scar tissue forms, our muscles become tight and knotted, and our bodies become stiff. Rolling with your ...