Lizards Mating
Like 2 Dislike 0 Published on 10 May 2007
Here we are walking out of a restaurant when I noticed a couple of lizards mating on the pole of a handicapped accessible sign. Being that I always carry a small portable digital camera I just couldn't pass this up. That male lizard/chameleon had quite a grip on the female. This happened at 2:30 PM Central standard Time on May 9th 2007. We were coming out of the Applebees restaurant located in the vicinity of Expressway 83 & McColl in McAllen, Texas. What was really funny is that I also shot a couple of stills and one of the pictures just above the mating lizards is the part of a sign that reads "Handicapped Accessible" and only the word "accessible" appears in the shot with these two love lizards. I think I'll send it to Jay Leno Ha Ha!!! Enjoy.