Baby Rabbits + Guinea Pig, Domestic / Wild
Like 2 Dislike 0 Published on 29 Nov 2008
"BABY RABBITS + GUINEA PIG, DOMESTIC/WILD" Live action video and stills showing the rescue, care, and re-homing of 4 BABY RABBITS + 1 GUINEA PIG SHARING A CAGE (Pet Mania, Burbank, CA) then WILD RABBITS SHARING A HILL (Ventura, CA). Documentary photojournalistic style, multicamera close-ups, one take, generating ~25,500 hits/243,500 total in global audience (normal curve for age/sex, 13-65), ~50 comments, and heated discussions on coexistence and care of rabbits and GPs. I am a Videographer of documentary, scientific, technical, marketing, communications, and Indie productions. AKA "VeyeSite" and later "Horn Studio" (YouTube, MySpace,Titter, BlogSpot, SlideShare, Slide), and "Paula Horn" (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Axepose).