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Your Guinea Pig's Home: 5 Top Tips for the Perfect Cage!

Dislike 0 Published on 6 Sep 2014

What makes a great cage for guinea pigs? In this video I talk through 5 key things which go a long way towards making a great cage that you and your guinea pigs will love!

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The Three Best Indoor Pre-Built Cages: https://youtu.be/ryZpUQ1wSi8
C&C and DIY Cage Options: https://youtu.be/LWnjCYey6yg
Guinea Pig Expectations: https://youtu.be/6q7gmmCLX5k

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SqueakDreams
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/squeak_dreams/?hl=en
Etsy shop with handmade beds for guinea pigs: https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/SqueakDreams
Squeak Dreams website and blog: https://www.squeakdreams.com

1. Go DIY! C&C cages are surprisingly easy to build, they are 100% customisable and extendable too, you can get creative and have lots of fun building them. Search online for guides of how to make them. All you need is grids, correx, a tape measure, a craft knife and some strong tape! C&C cages are also great because they will provide 4-5 times as much space when compared to a store bought cage for the same price!

2. SPACE! Space is essential for a super cage! The recommended size for 2 pigs is a 2 x 4 C&C cage.
Recommended cage sizes and C&C information: http://www.guineapigcages.com/index.htm

3. Height. Choosing the height of the cage can make it easier to clean out, keep the piggies safe from other pets/small children and provide you with magical storage solutions!

4. Materials. Check your cage materials are strong and safe (not treated with nasty chemicals). I used 4mm thickness correx for my cage. Make sure you trim off cable ties and keep them out of the reach of piggies.

5. Position. A bright, moderately used room is the ideal place for a guinea pig's cage. Natural light and more interaction between you and your guinea pigs will help you bond and get used to one another's company. In my opinion an inside cage is best, especially for new owners or when getting guinea pigs for children.