rabbit care - cynthia eats pansies
Like 2 Dislike 0 Published on 11 Feb 2008
cynthia bunnita eats pansies . and how to care for a rabbit. read www.rabbit.org for the House Rabbit Society info on bunnies !! adopt a rabbit habit at your local shelter. shelter bunnies are the best !!! do not buy from pet stores. this encourages breeding of rabbits. there are way too many rabbits already that do not have homes. do NOT give a rabbit to a child for easter. rabbits are not throw away pets. they are permanent family members who can live up to 14 yrs if very well cared for. use torn up newspaper or "carefresh" litter from petsmart. do NOT use pine or cedar. it causes liver toxicity. measure pellets- use "bunny basics T" for a grown rabbit, with unlimited timothy hay. all rabbits need to establish care with a good bunny vet, and visit the vet on a regular basis. they need nail clips and may require teeth filing under anaesthesia so get teeth checked twice a year. keep rabbits inside. they are social and live healthier and longer if they feel loved and a part of the family. do NOT feed lots of sugary treats. read all about bunny care at www.rabbit.org . if your bunny becomes disabled there are websites about this also including www.handicappedpets.com . your bunny will love you. please love him or her back. bunnies are precious and they have feelings. do not take your bunny for granted. they deserve your responsible caretaking and love. do NOT buy a bunny for an easter gift. these rabbits end up at the pound and many never get homes. research bunny care before getting a bunny. and WATCH OUT FOR ELECTRIC CORDS. bunny should only be out of cage when supervised in a baby proof environment. keep safe when you aren't watching, in a dog safari crate INSIDE, with a nice rug on the floor and a litter pan. keep your bunny clean. he / she is your new furchild !!!!!