Available Here: Rabbit Care

Last video of Jo-Jo the fat, white rabbit

Dislike 0 Published on 10 May 2011

This video was shot of Jo-Jo, our little albino mini-rex male rabbit. At this point, he had been sick for more than two months with the snuffles--a life-threatening disease that commonly kills rabbits. Jo-Jo was also five and a half years old, which was above the average life expectancy for a rabbit.

Through heroic, almost round-the-clock care and several hundred dollars worth of veterinary visits, my mother managed to keep Jo-Jo alive several weeks longer than I believe would have been the case otherwise with the disease, but five days after this was shot, Jo-Jo died. I was not there when it happened.

Jo-Jo was the subject of several of my YouTube videos, and while I didn't love him like my mother did, I was sad nonetheless, but I take comfort in knowing that he lived a long and very comfortable life (in fact, he was probably one of the most pampered rabbits on the planet) that was free from fear and want, and that his death was a natural one.