A Boy Ate 150 Gummy Vitamins For Breakfast. This Is What Happened To His Bones.
Like 7 Dislike 0 Published on 18 Jun 2018
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Part of sponsor proceeds will be donated to Shriner's Hospitals For Children and my colleague and I will each match it.
Music by Lifeformed ► https://lifeformed.bandcamp.com
Medicine ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL26HeTCO57qcMQB6CrU6QRzEi9tt9l1FI
A Dad Didn't Brush His Teeth For 40 Days. This Is What Happened To His Kidneys. ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB07EJhMBRs
A Student Felt A Sharp Pain In Her Side. This Is How Her Organs Shut Down. ► https://youtu.be/3QS3-wY-Xwg
These cases are patients who I, or my colleagues have seen. They are de-identified and many instances have been presented in more depth in an academic setting. These videos are not individual medical advice and are for general educational purposes only. I do not give medical advice over the internet, see your own physician in person for that.
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